The VMN Fall Conference

Virginia Mediation Network's annual Fall Conference offers a variety of professional development sessions focused on alternative dispute and conflict resolution. The conference is Virginia's premiere networking event for ADR professionals. We provide both Continuing Mediator Education credits and Mandatory Continuing Legal Education credits for various sessions. 

Not a VMN Member?  Join us to receive discounted conference rates. 

Stay tuned for information about our upcoming 2025 Fall Conference!

Scroll down for more information about our 2024 Fall Conference. 

2024 Fall Conference: Peacebuilding Perspectives

The Virginia Mediation Network hosted its 2024 Fall Conference on September 13-14 (in-person, both pre-conference and regular conference) in Williamsburg, Virginia, & 16-20 (virtual). Our theme was “Peacebuilding Perspectives: Pursuing Paths to Cultivating Harmony.”

Check out the 2024 Agenda here.

Check out the 2024 Presenters here.

Please stay tuned for information regarding our upcoming 2025 Fall Conference!

"Thank You" to our 2024 Fall Conference Sponsors!

Click here to see the 2024 sponsorship options and contact Christy at if you are interested in sponsoring in the future!



ADR Notable

(614) 695-3795


Juridical Solutions, PLC 

(888) 392-8762 




Mary G. Commander - Commander Law

(757) 533-5400


John C. Cook, Esq., Cook Craig & Francuzenko PLLC

(703) 865-7480


Greater Richmond Community Mediation Center

(804) 720-0715


Law Office of Li-Shann Durst, PLLC

Direct Line: (571) 831-3758

Bus. Line: (703) 443-4762

Disclaimer as to Presentations and Materials at VMN Conference: While the Virginia Mediation Network strives to make the information presented at our conference as informative, neutral, accurate and timely as possible, VMN makes no endorsement of, promises about, guarantees or opinions related to the accuracy, adequacy or protected ownership of the contents of the presentations.  Any opinions expressed by a presenter, whether or not a member of VMN, shall not be considered the opinion of the organization itself. Reference to any specific commercial product, process or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the attendees, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Mediation Network.

The Virginia Mediation Network is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

Disclaimer of Liability and Endorsement: While the Virginia Mediation Network strives to make the information on this website as informative, neutral, accurate and timely as possible, VMN makes no endorsement of, promises about, guarantees or opinions related to the accuracy or adequacy of the contents of the third-party seminars.  VMN expressly disclaims any liability for the content of said presentations.  Any opinions expressed by third-party presenters, whether members of VMN or not, are not expressed as the opinion of the organization itself. Reference on this website to any specific commercial product, process or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Mediation Network.

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