VMN Calendar

Please see below for a list of upcoming VMN events, as well as events sponsored by our Enhanced, Community Mediation Center, and Institutional Members.  (If you are an Enhanced, Community Mediation Center, or Institutional member, and you have an event or training you would like to add to our calendar, please contact Cindy Carlson at virginiamediationnetwork@gmail.com.)

Disclaimer of Liability and Endorsement: While the Virginia Mediation Network strives to make the information on this website as informative, neutral, accurate and timely as possible, VMN makes no endorsement of, promises about, guarantees or opinions related to the accuracy or adequacy of the contents of the third-party seminars.  VMN expressly disclaims any liability for the content of said presentations.  Any opinions expressed by third-party presenters, whether members of VMN or not, are not expressed as the opinion of the organization itself. Reference on this website to any specific commercial product, process or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Mediation Network.

Upcoming events

    • 04/18/2025
    • 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
    • Online via Zoom

    April 18th 12:30 - 4:30pm  Trainor: Chris Reilly

    Shannon Sneary Alabanza
    540-434-0059 ext. 2

    **VMN Enhanced, Institutional, and Community Mediation Center members can post their events on the VMN Calendar.  If you are interested in becoming a member or upgrading your membership, please reach out to virginiamediationnetwork@gmail.com.

    • 05/13/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Virtual via Zoom

    The VMN Board of Directors will meet virtually on Tuesday, May 13, at 7 p.m.

    If you are a VMN Member interested in attending the meeting, please contact the VMN Administrator at virginiamediationnetwork@gmail.com.

    • 05/22/2025
    • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
    • Virtual via Zoom

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries, and while its impact on mediation is still emerging, mediators must understand its potential to stay ahead. This webinar introduces AI as a tool that can enhance, rather than replace, mediation practice.

    Participants will explore how AI can assist with administrative tasks, client communication, research, brainstorming, and agreement drafting/editing. Real-world examples will demonstrate AI’s role in streamlining workflows, improving organization, and supporting mediators in their daily practice.

    The session will also examine common pitfalls, such as over-reliance on AI, bias in AI-generated content, and AI’s limitations in understanding human emotions. To make AI tangible and accessible, the webinar will include a live demonstration of how to create a simple AI-powered mediation assistant, showing that mediators of all backgrounds—with no technical expertise—can start using AI today.

    Participants will leave with a practical understanding of AI’s role in mediation, where it can add value, and how to integrate it effectively into their work.

    Key Takeaways:

     Gain a clear, non-technical understanding of what AI is and how it works
     Learn how AI can support mediators with client communication, research, and admin tasks
     Examine how AI can assist with brainstorming and drafting agreements
     Understand common pitfalls and limitations of AI in mediation settings
     Hands-on, nontechnical journey establishing a simple AI-powered assistant

    **Pending 1.0 hour of CME credit (0.0 ethics) by the Supreme Court of Virginia**

    This presentation will be recorded and made available to registrants for 30 days post-webinar.

    Presenter Bio

    AJ Maddeny is an ADR professional, mediator, and arbitrator specializing in tech-assisted negotiation and decision science. As the founder of Aether Mediation and Divorce Digitally, AJ helps individuals and organizations navigate complex disputes through technology-enhanced approaches. With a background in Decision Science, Conflict Analysis & Resolution, and an MBA, AJ has extensive experience integrating AI tools into mediation and negotiation. AJ’s work focuses on the evolving intersection of technology and dispute resolution, helping mediators and professionals adapt to a rapidly changing landscape.
    • 06/05/2025
    • 06/06/2025
    • Online via Zoom

    June 5-6    Trainor: Jamica Littles

    Aaron Hagmaier
    540-434-0059 ext. 2

    **VMN Enhanced, Institutional, and Community Mediation Center members can post their events on the VMN Calendar.  If you are interested in becoming a member or upgrading your membership, please reach out to virginiamediationnetwork@gmail.com.

    • 07/08/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Virtual via Zoom

    The VMN Board of Directors will meet virtually on Tuesday, July 8, at 7 p.m.

    If you are a VMN Member interested in attending the meeting, please contact the VMN Administrator at virginiamediationnetwork@gmail.com.

    • 09/09/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
    • Virtual via Zoom

    The VMN Board of Directors will meet virtually on Tuesday, Sept. 9, at 7 p.m.

    If you are a VMN Member interested in attending the meeting, please contact the VMN Administrator at virginiamediationnetwork@gmail.com.

Past events

03/19/2025 From Fairfield Center: Circuit Family Training / CCF
03/18/2025 VMN WEBINAR: Trusted & Booked - How Mediators Can Build Authority on Social Media & Podcasts
03/11/2025 VMN Board Meeting
03/05/2025 From Fairfield Center: Domestic Violence Awareness
02/24/2025 From Fairfield Center: Family Mediation Training / JDR
01/30/2025 VMN WEBINAR: New Year, New CS Modules, New Me
01/27/2025 From Fairfield Center: Basic Mediation Training / GDC
01/17/2025 From Fairfield Center: VA Judicial Training
01/14/2025 VMN Board Meeting
11/14/2024 VMN WEBINAR: Introduction to Unitive Justice for Conflict Resolution
10/05/2024 VMN Board Meeting
09/14/2024 VMN Board Meeting
09/13/2024 2024 Fall Conference: Peacebuilding Perspectives - Pursuing Paths to Cultivating Harmony
07/02/2024 VMN WEBINAR: Preparing Parties to Participate in Mediation
06/14/2024 VMN Harrisonburg Regional Meeting
06/14/2024 From Enhanced VMN Member, Brenda Waugh: WV Restorative Justice Summit 2024
04/25/2024 WEBINAR: Restoring Harmony in the Workplace - A Workshop on Employment Mediation
03/21/2024 WEBINAR: Me, Myself, and AI
02/29/2024 VMN Fredericksburg Regional Meeting
11/09/2023 WEBINAR: Truly Effective Marketing for a Successful Mediation Practice
10/06/2023 2023 Fall Conference: Come Grow With Us
07/22/2023 VMN Roanoke Regional Meeting
07/17/2023 WEBINAR: Robot Mediators? A Reality Check on Dispute Resolution Technology
05/22/2023 WEBINAR: Conflict Coaching for Mediators and Lawyers - Another Alternative Dispute Resolution Method
05/02/2023 VMN Williamsburg Regional Meeting
03/08/2023 VMN Winchester Regional Meeting
03/06/2023 WEBINAR: How You Can Prevent Inadvertent Discrimination in Dispute Resolution
01/19/2023 Adventures in Family Law
01/10/2023 WEBINAR: The What, Why, and How of Transformative Mediation
11/14/2022 WEBINAR: The Art of Inquiry & the Power of Questions
09/17/2022 2022 Fall Conference: Rising to the Challenge in a Changing Environment
08/15/2022 Conflict Management Coaching
07/21/2022 VMN Virginia Beach Regional Meeting
06/07/2022 Enjoy Mediating Online: Tips for Maximizing Your Online Mediation for Yourself and Your Clients
05/17/2022 VMN Western Virginia Regional Meeting
04/22/2022 VMN Northern Virginia Regional Meeting
04/20/2022 Effective Interaction, Revisited: DCSE & Family Law in Virginia
04/13/2022 VMN Richmond Area Regional Meeting
02/28/2022 Rent Relief and the Law: Evictions in the Age of COVID
01/06/2022 VMN Town Hall

The Virginia Mediation Network is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

Disclaimer of Liability and Endorsement: While the Virginia Mediation Network strives to make the information on this website as informative, neutral, accurate and timely as possible, VMN makes no endorsement of, promises about, guarantees or opinions related to the accuracy or adequacy of the contents of the third-party seminars.  VMN expressly disclaims any liability for the content of said presentations.  Any opinions expressed by third-party presenters, whether members of VMN or not, are not expressed as the opinion of the organization itself. Reference on this website to any specific commercial product, process or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Mediation Network.

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