The Virginia Mediation Network Andrew R. Pizzi Scholarship


The Scholarship:

The VMN Andrew R. Pizzi Scholarship is established as a tribute to Andrew R. Pizzi, an accomplished mediator passionate about VMN, the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) field (including conflict, coaching, facilitation, and peacebuilding), and his clients. Andy was a delight to work with, a leader with a vision, a great sense of humor, and a very dependable person. 

The scholarship provides eligible students up to $1,000 in financial assistance towards tuition, books, and/or attendance at a VMN-recognized ADR conference or ADR training/workshop. It also provides a one-year VMN membership. 

Three scholarships will be granted: one to an undergraduate student, one to a graduate student, and one to a law student. 


The Andrew R. Pizzi VMN Scholarship aims to support undergraduate, graduate, and law students dedicated to giving back to the community through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and it opens the door to opportunities for mentor/mentee relationships with those in the VMN community. It empowers students to pursue their education and training in conflict resolution, enhances their skills, and fosters their ability to promote peace and justice within their communities.


  1. Applicants must be a graduate, undergraduate, or law student enrolled full-time or part-time and in good standing at an academic institution in Virginia.

  2. Applicants must comply with the application process requirements.

Selection Criteria:

The following are criteria that may be considered in the selection process:

  1. Commitment to Community Service: Applicants must firmly commit to giving back to their communities through ADR initiatives or related activities.

  2. Leadership Potential: Preference will be given to candidates who have demonstrated leadership skills or potential or have held leadership positions in community service organizations or ADR-related activities.

  3. Interest in Conflict Resolution: Applicants must express a genuine interest in conflict resolution and demonstrate how they plan to utilize their education and training to contribute positively to the field.

  4. Access to Justice: Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to developing or practicing ADR methodologies that are more available, accessible, equitable, trauma-aware, and inclusive. This aims to make these processes more accessible to underserved and underrepresented individuals.

  5. Financial Need: While not the sole determinant, financial need may be considered in the selection process.

  6. VMN Service: Applicants will be invited to serve on any VMN committee.

Application Process (click button below to apply):

  1. Applicants must submit an essay of at most 600 words addressing applicable selection criteria. 

  2. Applicants must submit evidence of being enrolled as a full-time or part-time graduate, undergraduate, or law student in good standing at an academic institution. 

  3. Applicants must submit the application form.

  4. Submit one reference letter from someone who can speak to the applicant's potential to fulfill the selection criteria. 


  1. The applicant must show commitment to ADR, as evidenced by their essay.

  2. The applicant's identifying information, such as name and school, will be removed from applications when the Scholarship Selection Committee reviews applications. 

Deadline: August 1, 2024

Announcement: The awards will be presented during the Annual Meeting at VMN's Annual Fall Conference in Williamsburg, VA, on Sept. 14.  Attendance is not required but strongly encouraged. See for more information.


Please contact Christy Brimmer, VMN Administrator, at, with any questions.

The Virginia Mediation Network is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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