Please reach out to if you are interested in serving on a committee.

Budget & Finance Committee

The Finance & Budget Committee oversees the finances of VMN.

Chair: Bob Carpenter

Bylaws & Legislative Committee

The Bylaws & Legislative Committee oversees updates to the bylaws, and tracks Virginia legislative developments.  It keeps the membership regularly informed of new laws relating to mediation. Specifically, it tracks newly proposed bills as they make their way through the Virginia General Assembly, and reports to VMN members on the status of such legislation.

Co-Chairs: John Cook & Steven M. Garver

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee handles all matters that relate to communicating with members, stakeholders and others. This committee oversees newsletters, official communications, social media platforms, online presence and contact with the media.

Chair:  Julie Minde

Community Engagement Committee

The Community Engagement Committee focuses on developing VMN's strategy to engage the full spectrum of individuals in all regions of Virginia who are involved, or would like to be involved, in ADR. 

Chair:  Kimberly Jackson Davidson

Conference Planning Committee

The Conference Planning Committee plans and provides intellectually stimulating and practice-based educational and networking programs to exchange information on a broad spectrum of mediation and ADR issues and related topics.

Chair: Dr. Pamela K. Struss

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee focuses on increasing VMN membership and ensuring the satisfaction of current members.  The committee identifies product and service discounts exclusively for members and finds ways for VMN members to leverage the VMN brand in marketing their practices.

Chair: Kimberly Kyle

Nominating Committee

The Nominations Committee nominates candidates for vacant board positions.

Chair: Dr. Pamela K. Struss

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee furthers the work of VMN by educating the general public, business community, and Bar about mediation, and by providing mediation and services referrals to senior citizens, and coordinating the efforts of VMN with other organizations and events through collaboration.

Chair: Joseph Boisineau

Scholars & Young Professionals Sector

The Scholars and Young Professionals Sector was created to assist members pursuing higher education and recent graduates (3 years or newer) who are entering the ADR field with career advancement.

Chair: Dr. Pamela K. Struss

Webinars Committee

The Webinars Committee plans and provides intellectually stimulating and practice-based educational webinars throughout the year.  

Chair: Lisa Brook

The Virginia Mediation Network is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

Disclaimer of Liability and Endorsement: While the Virginia Mediation Network strives to make the information on this website as informative, neutral, accurate and timely as possible, VMN makes no endorsement of, promises about, guarantees or opinions related to the accuracy or adequacy of the contents of the third-party seminars.  VMN expressly disclaims any liability for the content of said presentations.  Any opinions expressed by third-party presenters, whether members of VMN or not, are not expressed as the opinion of the organization itself. Reference on this website to any specific commercial product, process or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Virginia Mediation Network.

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