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WEBINAR: Robot Mediators? A Reality Check on Dispute Resolution Technology

  • 07/17/2023
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Virtual via Zoom


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ChatGPT isn't the only recent breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence and other developments are even more amazing. So can technology really take over the mediator's role, or is its best use still as a tool in the hands of a human mediator? This presentation will provide a reality check on various forms AI and how they can apply to the dispute resolution field.

**Approved for 1.0 hour CME credit (0.0 ethics) by the Supreme Court of Virginia** 

This presentation will be recorded and made available to registrants for 30 days post-webinar.

This course counts toward MC3 certification and recertification. Visit MC3 Mediator Certification for more information.

Presenter Bio

Gary Doernhoefer has 30 years of experience as an in-house attorney including roles as a general counsel and entrepreneur in two successful technology startup companies. His legal experience and subsequent work with the faculty at the Moritz College of Law at the Ohio State University led to his conviction that ADR was nearly always a better choice for resolving disputes and inspired him to apply his entrepreneurial skills to the development of supporting technology for dispute resolution practitioners. He is the founder of ADR Notable - case and practice management software designed specifically for practitioners, Co-Chair of the ABA Dispute Resolution Technology Committee and a frequent public speaker on technology in the field.

The Virginia Mediation Network is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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