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WEBINAR: The What, Why, and How of Transformative Mediation

  • 01/10/2023
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Virtual


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Although transformative mediation is widely recognized as one of the main approaches to mediation, it’s also widely misunderstood. In this talk, Tara West, certified as a transformative mediator by the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, will attempt to bridge that gap by sharing what transformative mediation means today (which is not exactly what it meant 25 years ago), compare and contrast it with other mediation approaches, and explain why it’s the approach she now exclusively practices.

**Approved for 1.0 hours CME credit (0.0 ethics) by the Supreme Court of Virginia**

A recording of this webinar will be made available to registrants for 30 days post-webinar.


Tara West is the author of The Mediator’s Approach: Five (and a Half) Paths Through Conflict (2021) and co-author of Self-Determination in Mediation: The Art and Science of Mirrors and Lights (2022). She is certified as a transformative mediator by the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, and has been trained in facilitative, evaluative, understanding-based, and transformative approaches to mediation. Tara has taught and developed undergraduate and graduate psychology courses covering such topics as socio-cultural approaches to psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, group processes, and the psychology of conflict resolution. Tara earned her PhD in Social and Health Psychology from Stony Brook University and her JD from the New York University School of Law.

The Virginia Mediation Network is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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